Amy Holway Jorgensen        Installation Art                       


Support Wall

Sympathy cards, wooden panel, LEDs, arduino, light sensor, desk, desk lamp, chair, card writing tools

PROJECT GOALS: to increase the proliferation of hand-written cards

The medium for this project is the hundreds of sympathy cards my family and I have received over the past 2 years.

Reading these hand-written notes of support and care during difficult times had a potent impact on my well-being, more so than a text, email, or Facebook message. The physicality of the card, the individuality of the hand-writing, the personality of the signature: all of these factors added value to the experience and relationship. Thank you to every person who sits down and reaches out with a pen and paper, a meaningful gesture not to be forgotten or replaced by digital sentiments.

Support Wall is an interactive experience to provide an opportunity to hand write a card to a person in your life who might need a little extra support or would benefit from knowing you are thinking of them.

Cards were mailed daily throughout the exhibit.

THE INTERACTION: When partipants entered the gallery, the panel of cards was back-lit and non-descript. When they sat down in the chair to write a card, a light sensor in the chair triggered the spotlights to turn on above the panel, illuminating the message. The shadow is created by cards that perpendicularly protrude from the surface of the panel. When the participant is through writing and dropping card in the mailbox, the lights go back down as they leave.

LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) hidden in the seat of the chair senses when the chair is being occupied

A participant interacting